Friday, April 8, 2011

Rainy Days and Monday....wait it's Friday

Just posting for the heck of it. I'm having breakfast with one of my favorite people, my daughter. We both love French Toast....Mmmmmm. She has to be one of coolest kids I know...and I'm not just saying that....she really is a cool kid. She's sitting here with me and she dressed for summer, but it's rainy and cold out (maybe 44F). Anyway, it makes me think of the song: Rainy Days and Mondays...always get me down. But I can't say I feel down. I feel happy, regardless of the rain. C'mon', what's there to be down about. I have one of my favorite people next to me and it's a Friday. Even if it was a Monday, I'd still feel happy...just to be hanging out. Right now my breakfast buddy is asking me to get off the that's what I'll do. Over and out.

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