Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor of Love on Labor Day

It's getting late and Stacey is falling asleep, but I feel the need to post real quick before the day ends. Tonight I offered something to Stacey and I hope she realizes the importance of what I offered her. Tonight I offered Stacey my heart. I told her that when two people are really in love they offer their heart to one another. I know it sounds cheesy, but stay with me here. I told Stacey offering your heart to someone is like dropping off your heart, much like dropping off a newborn at someone's doorstep, ringing the doorbell, and watching from afar in hope that the person answering the door readily accepts the package and knowingly and willingly nurtures the heart with love and care as if it were his or her own. It's seems like such simple concept, but it goes ignored and overlooked all too often. Perhaps I'll post more about this later, but for now, Stacey accept my gift as if it were your own. I love you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rainy Days and Monday....wait it's Friday

Just posting for the heck of it. I'm having breakfast with one of my favorite people, my daughter. We both love French Toast....Mmmmmm. She has to be one of coolest kids I know...and I'm not just saying that....she really is a cool kid. She's sitting here with me and she dressed for summer, but it's rainy and cold out (maybe 44F). Anyway, it makes me think of the song: Rainy Days and Mondays...always get me down. But I can't say I feel down. I feel happy, regardless of the rain. C'mon', what's there to be down about. I have one of my favorite people next to me and it's a Friday. Even if it was a Monday, I'd still feel happy...just to be hanging out. Right now my breakfast buddy is asking me to get off the that's what I'll do. Over and out.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Why is Good Friday called "Good Friday"?

OK, so I don't want to go off on some diatribe about Good Friday, but why is it "good" when it is considered by many to be the day that Jesus was put on the cross? This is more of rhetorical question, so there is no use in answering the question. It's just one of those lingering questions that probably can't be answered. Regardless, I'm off work today, so yeah, it is a good day :-)

Anyway, this is my first blog and it's not meant to be religious in anyway. If anything, the purpose of this blog is to express any free thoughts that I have. Most religious doctrine (by my limited knowledge) doesn't appear to allow or agree with free thought. Again, that's not the point of this blog.

This blog is called "Flip Flops and Ragtops" because those two items seem to symbolize freedom. I first used the expression in one of those cheesey dating sections in the PennySaver back in 1995. It was meant to be my way of saying "hey, I'm laid back". I'm not sure if I ever posted the add or not, but the title always stuck with me. Back in 1995 life was very different for me and I was all about a laid back lifestyle. I was just coming out of a sweetheart marriage, quitting a burnt-out hobby of bicycle racing, and snapping out of a workaholic growth obsessed career as a physical therapist. 1995 was was a life changing year. It's taken me 13 years to come to the realization that life certainly has gotten a lot better for me.

So, since it is Good Friday, I just wanted to reflect on how good life is on this "good" day.
